

Maya Shaffer is an award winning investigative journalist working with BINJ and Dig Boston. She is a member of the New England Society of Professional Journalists Speakers Bureau. Her main focus is Public Records Law and Police matters in the state of Massachusetts.

Welcome to News Notes

Welcome to News Notes

Howdy all.

News Notes is going to be a less formal posting ground than the major investigative articles that Critical MA produces. This will be where I post a quick note about something that I'm not planning to do a full article on. Perhaps it'll be an announcement that I've made some records public that don't warrant an entire piece but are still interesting, or it might be a link to a local news story with a bit of my analysis on it. 

Boston College hires BPD chief who led department accused of turning student info over to ICE

Boston College hires BPD chief who led department accused of turning student info over to ICE

BSE reprint of 2015 Boston Marathon coverage "The terrorist have won"

BSE reprint of 2015 Boston Marathon coverage "The terrorist have won"